Hubungan Antara Asupan
Kalsium, Aktivitas Fisik,
Paritas, Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Osteoporosis
pada Wanita Pascamenopause
Paritas, Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Osteoporosis
pada Wanita Pascamenopause
Oleh : Hj. Ai Sri
Osteoporotic on postmenopause women are risk from bone
density decrease because no adequate calcium intake, the low of physical aclivity, too large parity,
and the low of
Body Mass Index. The research aim to explore
the association of calcium intake, physycal activity. parity, BMI and bone
density on postemenopausal women.
This cross sectional study was conducted in a survey
method. Sample were, taken by nonprobability purpossive. The total number of
postmenopausal women involved in this research were 97.
Result of
research there was positif association between calcium intake, physycal
activity, and negative
questionnaire between parity and bone density on postmenopausal women.
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